DESIMMAL modeling, simulation, animal-farm system

The complexity of cooperation; agent based models of competition and collaboration (Axelrod, 1997)
The complexity of cooperation; agent based models of competition and collaboration (Axelrod, 1997)

Complexity theory involves the study of many actors and their interactions. The actors may be atoms, fish, people, organizations, or nations. Their interactions may consist of attraction, combat, mating, communication, trade, partnership, or rivalry. Because the study of large numbers of actors with changing patterns of interactions often gets too difficult for a mathematical solution, a primary research tool of […]

Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing (Allen, 2011)
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-based Modeling Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing (Allen, 2011)

The main purpose of this text is to provide an up-to-date foundation for applying discrete event simulation and agent-based modeling. It is perhaps true that no other book covers as many topics of interest for providing real-world decision-support including: 1. Open source simulation programming including Visual Basic (VB) and NetLogo which provide inexpensive options for businesses, 2. Agent-based […]

Growing artificial societies: social science from the bottom up (Epstein & Axtell, 1996)
Growing artificial societies: social science from the bottom up (Epstein & Axtell, 1996)

They apply agent based computer modeling techniques to the study of human social phenomena, including trade, migration, group formation, combat,interaction with an environment, transmission of culture, propagation of disease, and population dynamics. Their broad aim is to begin the development of a computational  approach that permits the study of these diverse spheres of human activity […]

Simulation for social scientist (Gilbert & Troitzch, 2005)
Simulation for social scientist (Gilbert & Troitzch, 2005)

This book is a practical guide to the exploration and understanding of social and economic issues through simulation. It explains why one might use simulation in the social sciences and outlines a number of approaches to social simulation at a level of detail that should enable readers to understand the literature and to develop their own simulations. Interest in social […]

Managing business complexity (North & Macal, 2007)
Managing business complexity (North & Macal, 2007)

This my holy book. Also, I have not finished it yet. ASAP. The answer is because people need to know about one of the most exciting and practical developments in business simulation and modeling that has occurred since the invention of relational databases. The world is changing in terms of the requirements for solving business problems and the capabilities of […]

Powersim (2003)
Powersim (2003)

Today, business simulations are used in making business decisions. Faced with a decision on where to build natural gas storage containers, and how big to build these containers, one oil company used Powersim to build a simulation of the wells, the pipelines, and the markets. Once the simulation was built, decision-makers at the oil company […]

Risk and performance inter-relationship in milk agribusiness: a system dynamics approach (Daud, 2013)
Risk and performance inter-relationship in milk agribusiness: a system dynamics approach (Daud, 2013)

Agribusiness is entangled with any stakeholder and so are supply chain risks. In an earlier date, risks and uncertainties is usually dealt with a single specific firm. It is today realized that since the agribusiness is a complex bonding of several stakeholders, distortion at one of the components distorts the entire chain in varying degrees. Therefore, risks management in an agribusiness […]

Supply Chain Simulation; A System Dynamics Approach for Improving Performance (Campuzano & Mula, 2011)
Supply Chain Simulation; A System Dynamics Approach for Improving Performance (Campuzano & Mula, 2011)

Supply chain simulation implies operating a model that suitably represents a supply chain. Supply chain management can be carried out in the model should it be impossible, too expensive or impractical to do so in the real organization. Model performance may be studied and the properties relating to real supply chain performance may be deduced. There […]

Principles of Modeling and Simulation: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Sokolowski & Banks, 2009)
Principles of Modeling  and Simulation: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Sokolowski & Banks, 2009)

The text is divided into three parts with nine chapters. Part One, Principles of Modeling and Simulation: A Multidisciplinary Approach introduces modeling and simulation and its role. Chapter 1 answers the question, “What Is Modeling and Simulation?” The chapter provides a brief history of modeling and simulation, lists the many uses or applications of modeling […]

Management science: Decision making through systems thinking (Daellenbach & McNickle, 2005)
Management science: Decision making through systems thinking (Daellenbach & McNickle, 2005)

Except for the most trivial daily actions, most decision making happens within the context of systems — all sorts of organizations, from family units to major corporations, from local government to international institutions, and all sorts of activities and operations. You may wonder: “Since science has been one of the major driving forces of modern […]

Business Dynamics: System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Sterman, 2000)
Business Dynamics: System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Sterman, 2000)

This is a fundamental book. A 1008 pages in total, I have been reading this book for less than its 10 %. I will finish it someday, near.

Emergent Macoreconomics (Gatti et al., 2008)
Emergent Macoreconomics (Gatti et al., 2008)

The conceptual divide between microeconomics and macroeconomics is usually associated in textbooks to the different viewpoints from which the economy is looked at . While the focus of micro-economists is the study of how individual consumers, workers and firms behave, macroeconomics deals with national totals and,in doing that, any distinction among different goods, markets and […]

Using ABM approach for beef production behaviour (Daud, 2013)
Using ABM approach for beef production behaviour (Daud, 2013)

The objective are to: (i) assess the dynamics of cattle population given hypothetical population structure; and (ii) estimate the behavior of beef production from given structure of cattle population.  


This blog is actually a growing list of textbooks / articles that I (have to) read regarding my project. I am doing my PhD research about risks in agribusiness, emphasizing on its model and simulation. That is why the jargon of system emerges. These textbooks are not intended to be shared online as “All Rights Reserved. […]

The constraints
The constraints

Even with “s”, my biggest constraint is learning Java. It is for advancing my capability to model and simulate the scenario. There is Repast, the most powerful tool to do such things, but, hard to comprehend, even to understand. I hope that during this 3 month, I can cover the basics. (Still for this blog’s […]

What do I do recently?

It is still for the blog’s setting. I am now doing my paper. It is about finding gaps between available – or academic publication – and needed information. I emphasize on shifting old paradigm of farm risks onto supply chain risk. It will be presented in December.

What do I achieve so far?

In establishing model, and also its simulation, first thing that I do is to know the tools. Insofar, I have been trying Powersim and NetLogo. The detail will be filled later, as this post is just only for setting up this blog.