DESIMMAL modeling, simulation, animal-farm system

Business Dynamics: System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Sterman, 2000)
Business Dynamics: System Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World (Sterman, 2000)

This is a fundamental book. A 1008 pages in total, I have been reading this book for less than its 10 %. I will finish it someday, near.

Emergent Macoreconomics (Gatti et al., 2008)
Emergent Macoreconomics (Gatti et al., 2008)

The conceptual divide between microeconomics and macroeconomics is usually associated in textbooks to the different viewpoints from which the economy is looked at . While the focus of micro-economists is the study of how individual consumers, workers and firms behave, macroeconomics deals with national totals and,in doing that, any distinction among different goods, markets and […]

Using ABM approach for beef production behaviour (Daud, 2013)
Using ABM approach for beef production behaviour (Daud, 2013)

The objective are to: (i) assess the dynamics of cattle population given hypothetical population structure; and (ii) estimate the behavior of beef production from given structure of cattle population.  


This blog is actually a growing listĀ of textbooks / articles that I (have to) read regarding my project. I am doing my PhD research about risks in agribusiness, emphasizing on its model and simulation. That is why the jargon of system emerges. These textbooks are not intended to be shared online as “All Rights Reserved. […]

The constraints
The constraints

Even with “s”, my biggest constraint is learning Java. It is for advancing my capability to model and simulate the scenario. There is Repast, the most powerful tool to do such things, but, hard to comprehend, even to understand. I hope that during this 3 month, I can cover the basics. (Still for this blog’s […]

What do I do recently?

It is still for the blog’s setting. I am now doing my paper. It is about finding gaps between available – or academic publication – and needed information. I emphasize on shifting old paradigm of farm risks onto supply chain risk. It will be presented in December.

What do I achieve so far?

In establishing model, and also its simulation, first thing that I do is to know the tools. Insofar, I have been trying Powersim and NetLogo. The detail will be filled later, as this post is just only for setting up this blog.