
the meaning of i miss you

its easier to tell lies than truth…
the more i deny you, the more i just cant let go of you…

the way you held me with your smooth silky body,
surrounded by the precision of beauty that only god can create…

the way you look at me with the stare of angelic glare,
wrapped me with the notion of heavenly bliss…

how can i not love you?
how can i not have desire for you?

youre my passion, my ambition and my wildest dreams as for eternity and beyond…

your smile weakens my strength…
your touch soften my anger…
your voice bends my world…
your presence lights my fire within…

time and time again, i think of you…
time and time again, i wish for you…

where are you my love? i want you…
where are you my love? i need you…
where are you my love? im suffering without you…

let these tears flow a river that will bring you back to me…
let these air of breath flies the wind that will flew you back to me…

let everyone tell me im weak! i don’t care…
let everyone tell me im sick! i don’t care…

all i care about is the cause of my desperation…
all i care about is the cause of my happiness…
all i care about is the cause of why I’m still alive…