EHSP: Presentation preparations

In preparation for the presentation, I studied my part of the project which was the first three steps:

    1. Finding the raw data files and their format
    2. Read in and get an overview of the data
    3. Create a textual and graphical summary of the data.

In step 1, our task was to retrieve and organize the data provided to us by external parties. In step 2, we utilized the Tidyverse to get a glimpse of the data, manage the data and gain an overview of it. And finally, in step 2 we created a textual and graphical summary of the date to see if there are any correlations or connections between variables.

I ended up preparing the presentation with my teammates, especially Anggun, to discuss our parts and practice before the performance. I also spent a lot more time with Anggun to discuss the results of the project and how to analyze the graphs to determine the factor we want to focus on.