EHSP: Group Project

In an independent group study session, accordance to Dr. Dwi’s suggestion, we decided to dive headfirst into our Datacamp projects to undergo a trial and error experience instead of learning all the prerequisites first. Of course, we would come across problems along the way, however through encountering such problems and undergoing such an experience we can determine exactly what skills we require and what knowledge we are lacking.

Initially, there were many things that we did not understand. However, the knowledge from the Introduction to R proved to be very useful in helping me navigate all the code, despite having limited knowledge on all the functions. Additionally, the course Unsupervised learning proved to be very useful as some of the unsupervised learning methods were used in this project such as PCR and K-Means.

Despite all the bumps in the road, I believe that it was a good choice for us to go through it together as a group because it allows us to learn from our shortcomings, as well as support one another when faced with a problem. We ended up completing the project together (with lots of hints from Datacamp) in one night, but were left with so many unanswered questions.

Because of this, we decided to divide and conquer by splitting up the chapters so that each of us can have a deeper understanding of our respective chapters, and explain it to our group-mates.