EHSP: Datacamp – Introduction to R

Aside from weekly sessions, Dr. Dwi has also provided us with a Datacamp account so that we may take online courses to support our knowledge for this elective program.

Through guided online courses on Datacamp, I was able to have a better grasp and understanding of R. Today, in this course I completed the chapter about the Basics of R, Vectors, Matrices, Factors and started the Data Frame chapter.

EHSP: Introduction to R

One of the programming languages that can be used for data analysis and data science is RStudio. It’s among the more simpler type of programming languages, but with such an extensive community that uses it worldwide and the available packages and resources that are mostly free to use, it is still extremely relevant and useful.

In this class we were guided by Dr. Dwi into downloading R and RStudio onto our own devices. Dr. Dwi also taught us a couple of functions that we can execute in R. We expect to use this tool a lot more frequently for our upcoming projects.

Hello world!

Welcome to Ghania Sutattyo’s Student Blog. This is a virtual E-Portfolio for me to document my learning journey in FK Unpad. Please sit down, relax and let me tell you about my journey…