Archive for the ‘IT’ tag
IT Gov OC 2a – Strategic IS Planning
We will cover a forward looking-intensive work in getting IS implementation successful, namely planning. As its name describes, however, senior managements frequently tend to play down planning and merely hand it over to their subordinates. This paradigm of seeing planning as a kind of short term task would not only undervalue the busines case of IT investments themselves, but to a greater degree, would eventually sprirrals down company’s resources due to the waste of not utilizing IT in alignment with business objective. Failing to meet such alignment, would bear a risk to companies to loose their competitiveness in long term.
Unfortunately, Muki’s resources are way too much for me to sort them out neatly in such a short fix. So, I will divide the strategic information system planning topics into two sub-topics. As explained by the original source, the first part – I use point 2a- encompasses much on the IT plan methodology.The second part (2b) is sourced from IT plan teaching materials. 2b will be posted soon. Before I forget, as I virtually use the original resources, there are some topics in which the materials are not available for download in the original version. This will be reflected in my post too.
- Introduction to IT Plan (UI) Wibowo-Yuwono (2006).
- Example of a IS Assessment Form (Indonesia).
- Steps to construct IS/IT Strategy based on business strategy. This has been tailord to UI IT Plan Methodology.
- Steps to construct Guiding Principles and IT value proposition. Inside is provided Wibowo’s IS/IT Plan Map (2011) speicific for the said methodology. It gives an advantage to determine IS/IT strategic focus.
- Steps to determine proper IS strategy among alternative options existing in an organization, particularly in a competitive environment using Strategic Option Generator.
- Steps to form IS/IT Portfolio to all layers on the methodology. Essentially it’s in the form of layered-matrix mapping. Adopted mainly in blueprinting stage.
- A Sytematic way to create IS/IT Architecture. While portfolio talks about ‘what”, architecture talks about “how” each component relates each other.
- Steps to create IT Infrastructre Architecture within Strategic IT Plan context.
- A template of Gap Analysis for UI’s IT Plan by Wibowo-Yuwono. Legend available for clearer navigation.
- Ways to prioritizing projects. See Managing IT Investment and also Val IT 2.0 in IT Governance section.
- A template of KAK draft/meta TOR, which will be used for procurement department to set up IT Plan-based KAK/TOR. Indonesia specific.
- Managing IT Plan implementation risk.
- Example of Executive Summary IT Plan from Department XYZ in slide pitchbook format. Not a real document, but the summary is for director/commissioner consumption. Please consider specificity in own’s department.
The second part will be released next as I get more time space.
Disclaimer: I hereby do not claim that part or the whole materials I post in this topics are under my ownership. But I make some modification to make it easier and enjoyable to reader. I will claim some topics if it belongs to me.