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The Religion Imagery in Sage’s Bad Blood

Church or vicarage or anything that related to religion should contain something to teach people about good moral. However, in Sage’s Bad Blood we can see that the author perceives…

Women and Queer Characterization

Women’s perspective on facing problems has become an immense question since ages. In order to analyze it, a psychoanalysis approach can be used. By using a psychoanalysis approach,…

Between Female and Feminine

The distinction between female and feminine (or sex and gender) leads us to determine the role of the two aspects constituting the human being. The distinction also creates…

The Forming of Memories in Sage’s Bad Blood

Reading an autobiography to me is like reading the writer’s diary. The writer tells his perspective about everything he sees mentally and physically. Because of that, the confusion…


The sign signs nothing, but nothingness is another thing.

Makalah tentang Karya-Karya Sastra John Woolman

John Woolman, lahir pada 19 Oktober 1720 dan meninggal pada 7 Oktober 1772, adalah seorang Quaker Amerika yang bekerja sebagai penceramah yang berpindah-pindah. Dia telah berkeliling mengitari koloni-koloni…

The Essence of Our Daily Life

Google Services for Education

As we already know, Google is the best search engine than any other search engine. We are used to using it for searching articles, latest news, images and…

ASEM Forum

Hari selasa kemaren (20/7) beruntung sekali saya diajak oleh mas Achmad Bisri untuk menghadiri Asia Europe Meeting Forum (ASEM FORUM) yang diselenggarakan di Hotel Golden Flower yang bertema…