Learning R Reflection

Introduction to R

4 August 2022

R was the very first programming language that I have ever encountered in this class. To my understanding, as dr. Budi also explained, R is widely used for most data analysis. Hence, it is a necessity for data science students to learn about it and adapt to it. The more I learn about it, the more I’m aware of the usability of R itself when faced with data and the more I’m interested in how it can be implicated in the world of medicine. 

During the first session of the class, dr. Budi explained about R in general and how it is used precisely in data analysis. As I followed through it, I realized that for me, learning data science with only theories adds the difficulty and complexity to it. I didn’t quite understand well about it until we got to the second session of the class where dr. Budi guided us through the R Studio to learn about it directly on our own devices. To add the function summary, means, and ggplot was what I learned first in R, followed by installing packages in R Studio. That was when I intended to explore R myself using the R studio. 

Luckily, at the end of the class, dr. Budi assigned us a task to explore the R Studio with the data set that he gave us. This way, I can buy my time to learn data analysis using R as much as I can. Let’s see where this would take me to.