Reflection Weekly Meet and Discussion

Discussion and Project Assignment

10 August 2022,

The second weekly meeting was held by dr. Yayan who provided us with discussions regarding the documentary film AlphaGo which triggers the question about the use of AI in the medical field. It was interesting because my friend once asked me the same question about the application of AI in medicine. Hopefully, by applying to this course, I can state my argument after gaining some knowledge about machine learning. Other than that, dr. Yayan also informed us about three groups that were assigned last week. I am excited about this project because I must gain a lot of knowledge and practice about machine learning and data analysis by the end of the course. 

P.S: The discussion also triggers me on how to make use of data science as to reduce incidence of a certain a disease or outbreak. Let’s see what idea or innovation I can make up by the end of the elective program. Wait for it!