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This study concerns the activities, forms, and spread of mud eruption in Ciuyah as a part of Java-Madura axial depression zone. Landsat interpretation and detailed field observation were conducted to find out the eruption activity, the conduit system, and the host rock. Both physical and chemical properties of erupted material were tested to track down the mud origin, movement dynamic, and changes during transportation. Active bubbling which bring fluid, claystone- to sandstone-size solid particles, gas, and heat as well as crusting material inside conduits are detected in Ciuyah. The high similarity of rock composition and fossil contained indicated that the mud comes far below the surface passes the rock layers of the Late Tertiary sedimentary rock (Pemali and Halang Formations), and then ejected to the surface through conduits. The temperature of extruded mud reaches 6.9° to 13.6° compared to air temperature (hyperthermal). Conduits where the mud comes out mostly show NW-SE direction as a minor pattern of existing morphological lineament directions. Changes seen in pH, TCD and EC, besides hydro-chemical composition (level of Na+ , Cl- , SiO2, Mn2+, K+ , Li+ , Fe3+, Mg2+ , HCO3 – , Ca2+ and SO4 – ) caused by water formation as well as minerals enrichment dissolved due to heat and long-time contact to the side rock during eruption.

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In July 2011, archaeological exploration tried to apply the physics method for the first time in Muarojambi, Indonesia. We combined physics with geosciences and called it geophysical forensic. Our method is known as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). GPR used high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) waves between 10-3000 MHz to imaging subsurface based on dielectric permittivity’s physical parameters. Changes in the electrical properties, rock magnetism, and water content of the material under the surface will provide a response recorded on the radargram as a function of distance to time (two-way travel time). Data processing performs to reduce the noise recorded when collecting data. We have successfully obtained four GPR lines; three lines gathered near Gumpung Temple and one line at Telago Rajo Pool. The GPR method succeeded in giving a subsurface image and possibility of the archaeological objects near the Gumpung Temple and Telago Rajo Pool.

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The Miocene (25.2 – 5.6 million years ago) climate changes recorded by foraminifera and nannofossils assemblages in Bogor Basin, Western Java


The Miocene composite sections reveal that a bathyal to the inner neritic setting (20 – 500 m sea level depth) was being filled dominantly by fine siliciclastic, which deposited in fluctuate of warm to a temperate climate. The quantitative data of total abundancy, species number, marker species ratio, shell coiling direction ratio and size guided to sea surface temperature realms. The warm zone was determined based on high total abundance and diversity, a high frequency of foraminifera and nannofossil tropical marker species, dominated by dextral coiling direction, and relatively big size-specific foraminifera taxa. On the contrary, warm temperate zones were identified by lower total abundance and diversity. In the lower part, the sediments contain medium to high -abundance and -diversity of foraminifera as well as nannofossil assemblages indicated a warm climate at the Earliest Miocene (25.2-24 Ma). The low -total abundancy and -species number that indicates a decrease in temperature were recorded until the earliest Middle Miocene (24-20 Ma). The dominance of Orbulina group with a high frequency of tropical species marker (Globoquadrina altispira, G. globosa, Globigerinoides trilobus, G. sacculiferus and Discoaster group) indicated significant increase in temperature. The optimum of total- and individual- abundance along with the dominated of big size-Orbulina, increased tropical foraminifera, and nannofossil species markers indicate a warm climate at Middle Miocene (16-13.8 Ma). The decreased dextral relative shell coiling ratio of Globorotalia menardii and Globorotalia acostaensis, abundance and diversity of assemblages or taxa markers that indicate the temperature decrease is recorded in Late Miocene interval several times. An increased number of Calcidiscus leptoporus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Discoaster challengeri, D. variabilis, and Hayaster perplexus, the less -total abundance and -diversity indicated a warm temperate climate (10 to 6.2 Ma). It is considered to correlate with the global glaciation period.

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Biostratigrafi Calcareous Nannofosssil Miosen pada Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan Jawa Barat

Bulletin of Scientific Contribution Vol 18 no. 3


Lokasi penelitian terletak di Parakanmanggu, dan Cigugur, Pangandaran, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada korelasi biostratigrafi Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan dengan analisis detil pada singkapan satuan batugamping. Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan terendapkan pada umur Miosen Tengah hingga Miosen Akhir dengan lingkungan pengendapan laut. Metode penelitian meliputi observasi lapangan dengan menggunakan metode measuring section pada dua lintasan, preparasi nannofossils, dan analisis kualitatif. Empat puluh sampel batugamping yang terdiri dari batugamping kristalin, batugamping grainstone, dan batugamping packstone telah dianalisis dengan metode smear slide dan suspensi. Distribusi calcareous nannofossil menunjukkan pembentukan enam Zona: Sphenolithus heteromorphus dan Coccolithus miopelagicus (NN5); Cyclicargolithus floridanus (NN6); Catinaster coalithus (NN7); Discoaster berggrenii (NN8-NN9); Reticulofenestra small size (NN10-NN11); dan Discoaster quinqueramus (NN12). Berdasarkan distribusi kemunculan awal dan akhir dari nannofossils datum spesies, kami menyimpulkan bahwa Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan terendapkan pada rentang umur relatif NN5 sampai NN12 atau Miosen Tengah sampai Miosen Akhir.

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Berdasarkan kandungan nannoplankton dan foraminifera plankton, Formasi Batuasih diendapkan sejak Oligosen Akhir hingga Miosen Awal.

Zonasi biostratigrafi nannoplankton dapat dibedakan menjadi empat zona dengan lima subzona : Zona Selang Reticulofenestra umbilica-Sphenolithus distentus (=Zona CP17-Sphenolithus  predistentus, Okada & Bukry, 1980): Zona Selang Sphenolithus distentus- Sphenolithus ciperoensis (=Zona CP18-Sphenolithus  distentus): Zona Kisaran Sphenolithus ciperoensis (=Zona CP19-Sphenolithus  ciperoensis), yang terdiri atas Subzona Selang Sphenolithus  ciperoensis-Sphenolithus distentus (= Subzona CP19a- Cyclicargolithus floridanus) dan Subzona Selang Sphenolithus  distentus-Sphenolithus  ciperoensis (=Subzona CP19b-Dyctiococcites bisectus): seta Zona Selang Sphenolithus  ciperoensis-Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus (=Zona CN1-Triquotrorhabdulus carinatus), terdiri atas Subzona Selang Sphenolithus ciperoensis-Cyclicargolithus abisectus (=Subzona CN1a-Cyclicargolithus abisectus), Subzona Selang Cyclicargolithus abisectus-Discoaster druggi (=Subzona CN1b-Discoaster deflandrei) dan Subzona Selang Discoaster druggi-Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus (=Subzona CN1c-Discoaster druggi).

ZOnasi biostratigrafi foraminifera plankton Formasi Batuasih dapat dibedakan menjadi enam zona : Zona Selang Globigerina yeguensis – Globorotalia opima opima (=Globigerina ampliapertura, Bolli & Saunders, 1985), Zona Kisaran Globorotalia opima opima (=Zona Globorotalia opima opima), Zona Selang Globorotalia opima opima-Globigerinoides primordius (=Zona Globigerina ciperoensis ciperoensis), Zona Selang Globigerinoides primordius-Globigerinoides peripheroronda (=Zona Catapsydrax dissimilis), dan ZOna Selang Globorotalia peripheroronda-Catapsydrax dissimilis (= Zona Catapsydrax stainforthi).

Dengan menarik korelasi dari beberapa zonasi biostratigrafi fosil yang berbeda dapat dketahui hubungan tiap zonasi, serta mengetahui posisi batas zonasi satu kelompok dengan lainnya, yang berarti batas pemunculan awal dan kepunahan suatu spesies marker dari suatu kelompok dengan spesies marker kelompok lain. Penggunaan gabungan beberapa zonasi biostratigrafi dapat dipakai untuk membagi urut-urutan batuan berdasarkan umur secara lebih rinci.

Dari cii litologi, penyebaran serta kelimpahan fosil nannoplanktondan foraminifera plankton, menunjukkan bahwa ke bagian atas semakin berkembang menuju lingkungan laut dalam. Formasi Batuasih berhubungan menjemari denan Formasi Rajamandala dan keduanya terletak tidak selaras di atas Formasi Bayah

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