The Third Week

In the third week of the Respiratory System (RS) block, we were provided with several tutorial meetings. The first tutorial meeting was held on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. In this meeting, we were reviewing the first learning issues, which are laryngitis and pharyngitis. In general, we were given some feedback from dr. Reza regarding the concept map of the learning issues that we made before. Hence, we need to improve our concept map for the next learning issues.

The second tutorial meeting was held on the next day, which is on Wednesday, 28 September 2022. In this meeting, we continued our topic discussion to the next learning issue from a new trigger situation, which is a journal article regarding asthma. As usual, we gave several questions or comments regarding the trigger situation. Eventually, we decided to discuss asthma in general along with the basic sciences of it.

The last tutorial meeting in the third week was held on Thursday, 29 September 2022. In this meeting, we presented the learning issues from the previous meeting, which is about asthma. I’m quite disappointed with our group because there was a lack of discussion after the presentation. Hence, I think we need to improve the dynamic of our group.